Thursday, July 31, 2008


I went for a bike ride with my neighbor today. I haven't been on my bike since last summer. Can I tell you that my legs are like jelly and my butt hurts? Well it does. Now my 3 y/o want me to go for a walk with her around the block. Ha! I can't even walk to the sofa.
Well that just goes to show you how out of shape I am. I guess this is a wake-up call to get moving. I've been doing well eating low carb and have lost about 10 lbs. I guess in order to lose more I need to get moving. Perhaps this is the motivation I need.

On another note, I have decided to send my 9 y/o to public school. I homeschool my 11 y/o and will continue. It just seemed the right choice for the younger one to be sent to school. The schools here are outstanding so I'm confident he will do well.

I should go vegetate on the sofa till the feeling returns to my legs!

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